Teaching & Mentoring

Courses Taught: 
I taught various courses at both Maastricht University, in the Netherlands, and the University of Applied Sciences, in Germany. These courses involved lecture preparation, class lecturing, assignment and exam preparations. These courses included:
  • Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
  •  Advanced Linear Algebra
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Calculus

Also, I have taught at the data mining summer school, held in Maastricht University, for the past 3 years and organized the Theoretical Transfer Learning Workshop at the ICML 2013.

1074619_10201573476968197_183950137_oI was also invited to present an honorary lecture at the Department of Defence at the Lebanese army. The lecture discussed potential applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in military.  I was honoured by a medal from the army’s Commander in Chief.
Mentoring & Supervision:
 I also served as a (co-) supervisor and examiner for Master theses that resulted in submissions and/or publications:
  • Lisa Lee (Lifelong Learning for Robotic Control), Princeton University 
  • Vishnu Purushothaman Sreenivasan (Online Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning), Univ. of Pennsylvania 
  • Yanwei Du (Transfer Learning for Aggressive Quadcopter Flips), Univ. of Pennsylvania 
  • Decebal Mocanu (Four-Way Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines), TU Eindhoven
  • Elena Mocanu (Advanced Three-Way Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines),  TU Eindhoven
  • Christoph Sinhart (Deep Belief Networks for 3D Image Recognition), Maastricht University
  • Siqi Chen (Automated Negotiations),  Maastricht University
  • Wei Zhao (Deep Learning for Autonomous Robotics), Maastricht University
  • Nitin Bhushan (Quasi Deterministic Hidden Markov Models), Maastricht University
  • Tim Cooijmans (Nonparametric Density Estimation), Maastricht University

Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence (haithamb@seas.upenn.edu)