I attained my Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University with a thesis entitled: “Automated Transfer in Reinforcement Learning”. I shortened a four-year Ph.D. study in two, after publishing over 24 papers in world-leading conferences, including the International Conference on Machine Learning, European Conference on Machine Learning, Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, and International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Previously, I acquired my Master’s degree in Mechatronics with a summa cum laude from the University of Applied Sciences in Ravensburg, Germany. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently, I am pursuing another post-doc at the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE) at Princeton University.
- Email: hammar@princeton.edu
- Office: Computer and Information Science Dept., University of Pennsylvania
- Telephone:+1 215 422 2820